The new AnatowindSM Music Clinic facility - A Return to our Roots
The Anatowind Music Clinic recently completed it's transition from it's former 50-year home on 8th Street to it's new home in Beloit's historical district on Bluff Street. The elementary school located behind the old clinic building needed the space for expansion. The clinic's new location takes full advantage of the turn-of-the-century woodwork and architecture, and feel it offers an ideal setting for the Anatowind teaching process. We encourage you to come visit the new location and see how a clinic like ours helps individuals and organizations understand how to properly develop themselves to handle any musical situation.
This is the new Anatowind Music Clinic break room where students can come for refreshments and performance review after their session in the recitation room.
A closer look at the library...
This is the entrance to the Skills Room, where clinical therapy is administered, music skills are introduced, and the acoustics of sound structure are evaluated on the strobe.
This is the new Anatowind Music Clinic break room where students can come for refreshments and performance review after their session in the recitation room.